Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Mother's Day & the MSWF Part 2

Henry and I enjoyed the Maryland Sheep and Wool Festival so much that I decided to bring the boys back on Sunday. It was Mother's Day, Dan was working a double shift, and I wanted something special to do - or at least something to keep us busy until naptime!

When we arrived, we headed to the "family tent" where there was a little carding class going on and we decided to join. Henry liked it, but Jude really liked it. As soon as he saw what was going on, he hopped into a chair and started signing "more" to get his own wool to card. They both went at it for close to 30 minutes, which I thought was pretty impressive.

Henry said he wanted to spin some more, so we found a different woman this time who helped him. I wore this as a necklace later!

Then we spent a LONG time looking for bunnies, which someone had told me would be there. I must have asked over 20 people about those d#@% bunnies, and everyone said the same thing: "I've always seen them here in the past, but I haven't seen any this year." We saw a lot of sheep and other great things along our journey, and eventually in desperation I told Henry about my friend who has pet bunnies and said I was sure she wouldn't mind if we visited them sometime. By now it was time to go, but I had spied some nice baskets when we first arrived and had been thinking it would be great to get a good knitting basket. We went back to the stand, which was on our way out, and Henry picked one out for me.

I will always remember that this is the basket he chose for me on Mother's Day. He was really excited about it, too - on the way out he said things like, "I found your Mother's Day present, Mommy! I picked it out myself!" He also spontaneously said "Happy Mother's Day, Mommy!" to me a few times throughout the morning. So sweet. Definitely made up for all the temper tantrums and whining he's been doing lately.

After I got everyone home and down for their naps, my dad came over to man the fort while I met up with a friend at the Queen Vic where Dan was working, and had a fabulous Mother's Day brunch! When I arrived I got the best Mother's Day present of all - I found out Dan actually didn't have to work a double shift and was able to come home with me! I can't even remember what we did after we got the kids in bed, but it sure was nice having him home for the evening.

Judging from the comments (or lack thereof!) on this here blog, I doubt I have much explaining to do regarding the infrequency of posts as of late. Even so, I will admit that the past two weeks have been rough. Dan has been working a ridiculous amount of hours and I've been on my own with the kids for so many dinner-bath-bedtimes. I've been operating in survival mode (i.e. if I keep all the kids & pets alive, unharmed, fed, and relatively clean, I've done a great job for the day), but after a long talk Sunday night, he's cutting his bartending schedule to only a fraction of what it was, and with the end in sight I got my groove back tonight. I did laundry with Henry (he loves helping with laundry!), made some granola, knitted on the porch swing while Henry painted, and looked at some Nikki McClure prints for the house that I'd like to get.

I have a few projects and things I've been wanting to share and hopefully I will find time to do so over the next few days!


  1. I was wondering where you've been! :) Man, I thought I had it tough! BTW, how do you manage with all three on outings? I have yet to ventured out with my two except to appointments and Aaron is with us! Emily is two yrs and Cathy Lynn is almost six weeks.

    Hope to see you Friday!

    Angela Pounders

  2. Kate!

    how long does that sheep festival last-- it looks fun! I LOVE those pictures of Jude. He seems to be into domestic things: cooking and baking, making yarn. so CUTE!!
    lots of love and prayers to you as you juggle all the little ones and work schedules. I will definitely be thinking of you :)

  3. Hey Kate!

    Comments are addicting! Don't worry about posting; when things slow down it is better to post and not so pressured.

    I miss you!!! Talk to you again soon- call me anytime. love love love love love your friend always

  4. Angela - It takes some time to get used to managing two at all, much less out and about. Give yourself all the time and grace you need. For the first several outings with a new baby, I made sure I had help - I either asked my mom to come with us or met up with another mom and her kids so I wouldn't be alone. As I got more comfortable, I would go on short outings close to home, and expand from there as you feel comfortable!

  5. Pauline - the Sheep and Wool Festival was only for two days, so it's done now till next year. You should come with us next year!!

  6. Thank you all for your comments! It's nice to know someone else besides me and my mom are looking at this (no offense, Mom! :)

    Livy - thanks again for listening yesterday. You're right, comments are addicting! xoxo

  7. Thanks, Katie! Very encouraging words. :)

    I hope to get to the library soon. Emily loves it there! Between the new baby and Aaron having to take my car to work, we haven't been in ages!!

    We did go to Claytime Cafe last weekend as a family. Cathy Lynn slept the entire time! Emily had a really good time. I think she could go once a week! The $$ would add up fast though!!

    we should get together sometime. I have a nice big backyard that your boys would love!!

    Angela P.

    p.s. love reading your blog!
