Monday, June 20, 2011

if you give a baby a pancake...

We had pancakes for dinner Saturday night and Felix made it very clear that he wanted some. I know you're not supposed to give babies this young wheat/milk/cornmeal/eggs/etc., but he's my third child and we luckily have no food allergies so far, so I figured I would give it a try.

He loved them and ate almost two whole pancakes. The added bonus was I got to eat my dinner while he happily munched away.


  1. oh my goodness. this is a new children's book in the making! (ps via ad)

  2. Anna LOVES pancakes and eggs. I'm kind of like food allergies run in any of our families so I'll give it a try. And yes it is an added bonus that they happily eat and get to be part of the family! We miss you all! Kristie
