Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Let's try this again

I was talking to my dearest friend on the phone last week, lamenting how hard parenting has been lately. I was so discouraged by my children's behavior (one in particular), convinced I was doing something wrong, and thinking about making a major change as a result. My friend said these words of wisdom to me: "Katie, just because it is hard, and you have to keep disciplining for the same things over and over, doesn't necessarily mean you're doing something wrong." This reminded me of a post Jamie Martin of Simple Homeschool had written, and she happened to post it to FB later that day. Boy were those words good for my soul that day. Seriously could have written them myself. I also re-read her post It's Supposed to be Hard on Steady Mom. Since then, I feel a load has lifted from my shoulders. How freeing to be able to remind myself in those many difficult moments "It's supposed to be hard." 

I tend to get caught up in tasks I'm trying to accomplish - doing the dishes or laundry, making dinner, wrapping a present, trying to get out the door for an appointment, making a phone call - and forget that what I'm REALLY trying to accomplish is raising four sensitive, thoughtful, kind, and loving boys. And that is HARD WORK. I often used to get incredibly frustrated that their misbehavior was getting in the way of my completing whatever it was that I was trying to do at the moment - and I still get frustrated, but now I remind myself that everything is an opportunity for character development, which is really more important long-term than getting to my chiropractor appointment on time, or finishing a load of laundry, or whatever it is that I'm trying to do, and that yes, those moments are hard but so so so worth it. Jamie says that blogging through those years when her kids were the ages mine are now was very helpful to her, and I think it might be for me too, so I am going to try again to post regularly here. I hope it will serve as a place for me to process my days, for me to look back on years from now so I can actually remember "what did I do all day all those years?" and hopefully, some other mamas will read this and comment and share their ideas, struggles, and perspectives. What I often feel is most lacking in my days are "coworkers" (i.e. other mamas who are "in the trenches" like me) to bounce ideas off of, for me to be able to say "am I on the right track?" and get some good feedback. Most days I compose the most eloquent posts in my head, always at times I'm not able to write them down, and by the end of the day I'm so bone tired I can barely stay awake to finish the things that absolutely need doing, much less write anything. But I'm going to try, and I hope some of you will join me on my journey and let me share in yours as well.

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